
Showing posts from June, 2020

Aramaic and the Essenes

                                                                                                      Radiating Grace                                                                Aramaic and the Essenes    In thinking about when I first heard of the Essenes, I realized that I don't actually remember!   Most likely it was many years ago when I attended Marie Refior's group and we discussed comments from Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, Eric Butterworth, "The Gospel of the Essenes" or ?   I do know, however,  that I was familiar enough with t...

RADIATING GRACE--Woodland, California Memories

                                    " Radiating Grace "                                                         My "Teachers "       Blessed with so many "teachers" from all walks of life, it is difficult to choose which ones to share here, so  I will begin by sharing some of my amazing "teachers" in the Woodland, CA area.       I was blessed with a brilliant ballet teacher/dancer/choreographer, Earl Riggins, who passed along his love of dance and continued to dance himself in the area into his 80's.  Mr. Riggins had been in the original San Francisco Ballet Co. and I learned a lot not only about ballet, but also folk dance, which he taught,  tap etc.  His teaching method was the oppos...