Light Blessings & My Experiences In Light 

     Light Blessings is how I usually sign anything, so I thought I would use this blog to explain what that means to me and why I think it important to share.  I have had two what I call  "Experiences in Light" at very different times in my life.  One was when I was still in college, which changed my life and another many years later when I was studying at Unity Village, which, again, changed my life. To my way of thinking, Light Blessings, honors both and I am also adding something else which is why it is Light Blessings rather than Blessings of Light. 

       Another very important idea to me is a sense of Lightness, as in "Angels Can Fly Because They Take Themselves Lightly" coupled with the idea of being "Light As A Feather," calling to mind the Egyptian ritual of weighing the heart against a feather and only those whose hearts that were as "Light As A Feather" were allowed to enter the afterlife. 

     Both of those ideas contribute to my Light Blessings 

     The first time I had what I call an "Experience in Light "was when I was in college.  I was studying philosophy and questioned two ideas.  Ayn Rand had stated something I thought was interesting and I was studying Descartes at the time.  Most people are familiar with the " I think; therefore, I am " quote; however, the other one was "I am; therefore, I'll think."  So I asked the question "What is Thinking"? And as I began to contemplate that idea, I received an answer!

     I have always been able to intently focus on an idea or concept, so as I began to question What is Thinking?, I also began to get an answer.  It began as a sort-of diagram which I saw in my mind.  God was at the top of the diagram, then it split into two sides with spirit on one and matter on the other and then a few more additions on each side and then was brought together again with man as the two connected again.   

      When we speak of a tree we usually have a specific tree in mind, not the concept of treeness, and yet we put the two together in our mind.  As I continued to concentrate, I began to be aware of a sense of Light which I had never sensed or seen before and remember thinking that there is a reason why the Christmas angels begin with, Fear not...

     My experience happened in my dorm room, which added to my confusion of what it all really meant.  My understanding involved The Tree of Life  and the Tree of Good/Evil or Knowledge as well as brought universals and particulars back together again. 

     The one idea I got very clearly was that we had gotten so caught up in taking things apart, in analysis, and just parts that we had forgotten the poem, the WHOLE, THE TREE OF LIFE.   We needed to remember Aristotle's "The WHOLE is greater than the sum of its parts."

     I remember feeling confused by the whole experience.  It seemed to me that my "Experience In Light" was important and at the same moment thought it might be something every second year philosophy student might experience.  As I sought some clarity and attempted to explain that it seemed to offer a way that universals and particulars came together etc. I really got a variety of comments.  My philosophy professor said something about what difference did it make and some others were saying it was like Einstein's theory.  So that was no help and just added to my confusion.

     I was dating someone who was working on his Ph.D, was German and related to Bach, etc. and for someone, a young woman who already feels really different since I was an adopted only child with no known heritage, my boyfriend's response "If you can think that way, you are more than just human." was the icing on the cake.  And in that era just what every 21 year old woman was dying to hear!

     I had thought that those ideas were important and were part of the philosophical question.  And yet my philosophy professor acted as though they were not and did not want to discuss my experience.  He also told me that I couldn't understand Heidegger; that no one could.  (And yet, interestingly enough, years later I found a translated copy of a book by Heidegger entitled "What Is Called Thinking?")

     Then I really didn't want to be more different than I already felt, so I dropped all my philosophy classes and attempted to become an English major and and then when that clearly was not who I was, I eventually left school to work in San Francisco, got married, etc.  

     Many years later after re-marrying, having two children, moving to Wisconsin and working at UW-Whitewater, being involved in both campus and community, creating and for almost ten years guiding my campus/community program, A Sense Of Life, I took time to go to Unity Village for their two-week continuing education classes. 

     While I was a student at Unity Village and in my metaphysics class, I had my second "Experience In Light".  In the class where I had already had several mystical experiences, I was just talking with the teacher.  And then suddenly I felt as though I was being bisected and opened up and was aware of just being Light.  Since it happened while in a casual conversation in a classroom, I felt very exposed and vulnerable and also just needed a clear head to continue with the class.  However, the feeling of just being Light continued as a reminder from that moment on.

     Years have passed and I have made peace with both "Experiences In Light".  I am also continuing to see and recognize that with its "for" energy, "A Sense Of Life" (ASOL) while coming many, many years later was connected to that first "Experience In Light".   And I am now acknowledging and claiming my "Experiences In Light" as well as all of my mystical experiences as my own.
   So... Now I wish you your own awareness of just being Light and Light Blessings!


  1. How wonderful a journey you have taken us on.

    Light is beyond thinking and cannot be limited to philosophy or any construct for containment for expression or understanding, for they are only the eyes with which to glimpse the Light.

    I love how you now have created the "Experiences In Light" expression to connect each moment of which in any human lifetime there are too many to track and remember for they are natural like miracles to remind us of who we truly are.

    Light Blessings are perhaps for me those moments of our recognition when we are taken out of the ordinary and mundane rhythm of what we think and know. It is from our limited spectrum of Light that we tend to label and analyze in order to break through the shell of our self-imposed awareness.

    Thank you for extending Light Blessings for We all have our existence within the Blessings of Light, yet to extend Light Blessings is to send forth the true potential energy of all Creation that will ever be as Your Heart's desire for us all.

    I receive now and extend them to all life forms as the unifying field in which we have our Being.

  2. Dear Desiree,
    Thank you for your reminder by Private FB message about your post! I don't do a lot of time on the computer, and I might have missed it without your reminder!

    I have no idea what years you were at Unity Village when you had this experience. However, I thought you might be interested in knowing that one of the chapters in my first book (at age 78) is about that kind of experience. The boo is: Your Soul's Invisible Codes, subtitled Unveiling Your Sacred Love Story,

    One of the chapters is The Key to Everything and talks about Marvin Anderson, my teacher in seminary...who was a sort of radical revolutionary among Unity ministers. I consider myself in that rare category now, after 30 years as a Unity minister.

    In the chapter called Moments in Time, I describe one of only two Voice and Light experiences that I've had. In this chapter, I briefly describe what I now call being 'Called By God'. There is a 1,000 entry index which also has some other references.

    My book is rather unusual in that it puts Unity's foundational framework of the Seven Days/Stages of Creation into a design of three love stories. One is of the gardens at Unity of Tustin, one includes glimpses of my own life as it has manifested in these stages. the final love story is one that I invite each reader to write...on a blank page(s) at the end of each short chapter.

    I have a feeling that you might find the book interesting... It also includes some really advanced research on late stages of adult development related to the Spiral, Integral and other Maps of Consciousness.

    Are you on our mailing list for or www.CalledByLove

    Much love,

    1. Dear Marj, I am so sorry for not replying sooner; however, I just checked this page and had not seen your post prior to now. Your book sounds fascinating and no, I am not on the mailing list and would be honored to be part of that. I do feel very "called" however and often wonder to what. While I tend to be more quiet about things, I also tend to see differently and be an innovator. I used to read a lot and now have a few favorites which I share. Are you interested in Magdalene and the Divine Feminine. I have found two UK
      authors who have written "The Essenes: Children of the Light" and two more, which I love. I have read so many books over the years that I seem now to do so in streaks and at other times do not read at all, except for FB posts of Kryon etc. Would love to connect more as it sounds like, while I am not a Unity minister, we have a lot in common. I was taking CEP classes at the Village in 1995 and was able to take a workshop from Rocco Errico re Aramaic when he was there for the first time in eight years. Love & Light Blessings--Desiree


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