"Things Take Longer than They Do"
Radiating Grace
"Things Take Longer than They Do"
When I was working in a "Mainstream Pilot Program" the comment "Things take longer than they do" came from the Administrator of the program.
Upon hearing it, as a student of philosophy etc., I thought "What?" "How can that be? "
However, after working with a federal grant, at a state university, and with that university itself,
I decided that "Things take longer than they do" was a brilliant comment! The red tape, expectations, and everything involved in a "pilot" program took much longer than was predicted or projected.
I also discovered in my own life how true that comment was in many ways. We had purchased a geodesic dome home connected to a small cabin type home and worked at putting the two together. Contractors were often late and not there at their proposed time, things ordered didn't come in at the time promised or projected etc. Also doing much of the work ourselves, we did not have the time expected for one reason or another. There were rehearsals for a play, childrens activities, my own time and job demands...
My reason for sharing this quote is that the longer I live, the more I see it works for everything.
And if we become aware of its "truth" we are less caught up in expectations and more able to
let go of them, relaxing and becoming more flexible. Often we really don't have an option;
however, if we accept "Things take longer than they do," we can breathe and allow rather than get angry or frustrated.
In 2020 there have been many "Things take longer than they do" moments! What comes to mind for you?
"Things Take Longer than They Do"
When I was working in a "Mainstream Pilot Program" the comment "Things take longer than they do" came from the Administrator of the program.
Upon hearing it, as a student of philosophy etc., I thought "What?" "How can that be? "
However, after working with a federal grant, at a state university, and with that university itself,
I decided that "Things take longer than they do" was a brilliant comment! The red tape, expectations, and everything involved in a "pilot" program took much longer than was predicted or projected.
I also discovered in my own life how true that comment was in many ways. We had purchased a geodesic dome home connected to a small cabin type home and worked at putting the two together. Contractors were often late and not there at their proposed time, things ordered didn't come in at the time promised or projected etc. Also doing much of the work ourselves, we did not have the time expected for one reason or another. There were rehearsals for a play, childrens activities, my own time and job demands...
My reason for sharing this quote is that the longer I live, the more I see it works for everything.
And if we become aware of its "truth" we are less caught up in expectations and more able to
let go of them, relaxing and becoming more flexible. Often we really don't have an option;
however, if we accept "Things take longer than they do," we can breathe and allow rather than get angry or frustrated.
In 2020 there have been many "Things take longer than they do" moments! What comes to mind for you?
Ask the Divine to guide and direct your sails and know the ebb and flow of everything..in breath and the out breath is relevant throughout nature, socities, and culture. Don't forget to breathe ♥